The Cosmopolitan


  • 1.5 oz Vodka
  • 0.75oz Triple sec
  • 0.5 oz Cranberry juice
  • 0.75 oz Lemon juice


 - Shaking Tin
- Strainer
- Coup glass


In a shaking tin, place all ingredients with a scoop of ice. Shake really good for around 10 to 12 seconds and proceed to serve UP in a coup. Garnish with a lemon wheel or a lime wheel.


    * I know, 98% of the recipes out there will call for lime juice. However, after so many Cosmos I've made, people tend to tell you to not make it that sweet. Or to use almost nothing of cranberry juice for whatever reason, this is why if used little cranberry, lemon tends to make a not so tart Cosmo.
